

Clusters of Mexico

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What is a cluster?

According to Dr. Michael E. Porter, a cluster is a group of companies and associations, geographically close, interconnected in a particular field, linked by their similarities and their complementarity. The geographic scope of a cluster may vary from a city or state, to a country, or even to a network of neighboring states or countries.

It is a group of companies from a similar line of business that collaborate to improve the competitiveness. Companies within a cluster meet to increase efficiency and innovation within that industry, driving the same time the economy of your region.


Clustering also complements the economic development strategies of the intermediate bodies, councils and business chambers and of the organizations and institutions of economic development and supports the companies within the cluster, to identify the needs of labor, technology and market strategies, among others, maintaining a comprehensive vision of sustainable development.


Social Progress Index (SPI)

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About the project and Sintonía

Sintonía was born in 2012 as an UPAEP initiative and as a result of the collaboration with the “Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness of Harvard Business School” with the purpose of turning Puebla in a more competitive region.

In 2001 and 2002, Puebla remained in the positions number 26 and 28 in terms of competitiveness in relation with 32 states of Mexico. Sintonía´s impact has grown around the country and nowadays its expanding through the whole country.

Sintonia boosts competitiveness in 3 ways, Education, Analysis and research and Cluster Intervention in Mexico, it develops and implements economic development strategies.

Síntonia is focused in the Microeconomics of Competitiveness course that is offered as a member of the Harvard Net directed by the “Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness the Harvard Business School” of the Dr. Michael Porter.

Sintonía and the Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School, developed the cluster map and calculated the Social Progress Index in a dynamic way in order to reflect the economic and social situation of each state in Mexico.

About cluster map

The Cluster Map reflects the composition of the employment, value added, investment and payroll of the relevant clusters of each state in the country.

As an example, Puebla the automotive cluster is one of the most representatives compared with others. Puebla´s employment has been growing in the last 10 years with 6% of the national total.

Graphics show the cluster performance in Mexican states in terms of employment, value added, investment, and payroll. The graphic of the automotive cluster, shows that in the last 10 years the state of Coahuila has presented a significant grow in the rate of employment and share market in comparison with the other states in Mexico.

Sintonía is committed to go further than improve the economy of Puebla and the region. In order to promote inclusive social progress Sintonía along with the leadership of Social Progress Imperative calculated Social Progress Index for each municipality in Mexico.

About Social Progress Index

The Social Progress Index (SPI) measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens. It is a metric that let us know how well a region is doing in order to get the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by ONU to get in 2030.

SPI combines three dimensions:

  • Basic human needs
  • Foundations of well-being
  • Opportunities

For each dimension there are four variables that measures the extent in which a country, municipality or city satisfies basic social and environmental needs of its citizens in a sustainable way.


SPI is a guide that identifies and prioritizes the issues to transform a society. It is a tool to develop public policies and to identify social responsibility actions for companies and collaborative objectives of real impact for clusters providing an agenda in order to get sustainable social progress.